Is It My Time? with CindyLynn - Personal Healing/Growth, Study of God’s Word

Are you unsure about your faith or how God feels about you? Do you feel lost or it’s too late to turn back to God? Don’t have a church home or not sure you need one? In this podcast, you will find answers to your questions regarding God, your faith, and your need for a faith community. My mission is to equip you for finding those answers as well as deepen your faith through the study of God’s Word. If you’re ready to cast aside doubts, develop your gifts and talents, and feel you are coming back home to your place in God’s Kingdom - this is the space for you. If you are ready to engage in boundary setting, growth and development of your Christ Identity and figuring out your Kingdom purpose - this podcast is for you. Grab your favorite Bible, your sticky notes, and those colorful pens - it’s your time to get reaquainted with God!  Email List: Email:

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2 days ago

Hello my friend, today we will discuss my 7 day status update after starting the routine we discussed last week.  We will also refresh our memories on the infinite 1% discussed in Episode 5 as well as recording our wins or successes as discussed in Episode 38.  We will also discuss using that type of recording to dispell maginal thinking we mistakenly employ when starting anything new.  Listeners are again encouraged to share their wins, no matter how small they may count them, in the hopes of encouraging fellow listeners in their new routines.  As always, may your week and your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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New Daily Routine

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Hello friend, this week we are installing a new 6 step routine into our days.  These 6 steps will jump start progress and results in our daily faith walk.  Listeners are invited to report progress and/or results at the 7 day, 14 day and 21 day marks.  This can be done through email.  Listeners from various countries are also thanks for their loyalty and requested to share this podcast with others.  As always, may your week and your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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Thought Work in the Bible

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Happy Monday friend, today we are continuing the discussion of thought work.  It is covered in the Bible and not some New Age concept.  While New Age practitioners may have taken the concept and tweaked it to make it their own, they are not the originators of this concept.  It is a Biblical concept and if you study the truths in the Bible and practice thought work based on those guidelines, you will be safe.  Scriptural support will be given as well as recommendations.  As always, may your week and your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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Monday Jun 03, 2024

Happy Monday my friend!
This week we follow up on the takeaway concept for building a firm foundation.  Scripture is provided along with two examples of how taking away the negative thought patterns makes building a firm foundation easier and more successful.  As always, may your week and your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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Monday May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day friend.  This week we will discuss how our thoughts affect our feelings which then affect our perception.  We will also discuss how to take a step back and identify those thoughts that are affecting us in a negative way and once identified begin to replace them with the Truth in God's Word.  You aren't alone, others have traveled this very same path and have successfully come out the other side.  You just need to identify the thoughts playing on that negative sound track reel to be able to replace them with something more worthy of a Child of God.  As always friend, may your week and your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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I Have a Loving Father

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Happy Tuesday friend, I apoligize for the delay of this episode but will be providing personal testimony as to how not only am I not in control of my day that I have a loving Father that will remind me of that fact in the kindest way possible as long as I am paying attention.  Scripture references will be given as well as encouragement that He is not just my loving Father but our loving Father.
As always, may your week be blessed - CindyLynn 
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Monday May 13, 2024

Happy Belated Mother's Day my friend.  Today we will discuss the model of love we are given in Scripture and how using Scripture's model of love to pattern ourselves after can make us the loving individuals we aspire to be even when we may not have been given that role model growing up.  We can break generational curses and be the loving role models for our families when we strengthen our Christ identity and pattern our love after His.
As always, may your week and studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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You are Not Alone!

Monday May 06, 2024

Monday May 06, 2024

Happy Monday Friend, this week we will highlight 3 Scriptures that show us we are not meant to do life alone.  How we are to live and support others and vice versa in the journey of life.  Listeners will also be directed to two earlier episodes regarding Scriptural Support for life's challenges and one's need for a faith community.
As always, may your studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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Monday Apr 29, 2024

Hello my friend and Happy Monday, this week we will discuss stepping outside your comfort zone and that it doesn't have to be a huge, audacious action but a small, easy step that can lead to future progres.  Church attendance is the action used as an example for the scenario.  As always, may your week and your studies be blessed -  CindyLynn 
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Monday Apr 22, 2024

Happy Monday my friends, this week I would like to thank those that have given me feedback on the recent series involving learning styles and study techniques. I also share some personal experience regarding Bible Study and the amount of time it has taken me to heal and progress in the hopes of encouraging others.  As always, may your next week's studies be blessed - CindyLynn 
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A Little About Me

Hey I'm CindyLynn.  I tried to find fulfillment and purpose in the world without God for over three decades.

I finally realized that wasn't possible.  I was created by God for a Kingdom Purpose and to know Him and His plan for me, I would need to turn back to Him.  I would need to study God's Word, learn about my identity in Him, and find a faith community of support to help me in that journey.

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